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St Peter and St Paul, Old Brampton

Welcome to your living church sharing the good news of Jesus.

Bell ringers

Who We Are

We are a very active group of bell ringers of mixed ages and abilities.
Our inclusive ringing sessions are friendly and lively.

Normal ringing times:
Sundays  8:45am - 9:30am
Mondays  7pm - 9pm

We don’t just ring at Old Brampton! We ring at other places on practice nights and at ringing meetings, events, outings and competitions, and have social events.
We are members of the Derby Diocesan Association of Church Bell Ringers.

See more and follow us on the Bellringing Derbyshire Facebook page.

To find out more about ringing with short videos, visit the Bellringing Derbyshire website.

Donations - Keep the Bells Ringing

The belfry fund supports the maintenance of the belfry and provides training to keep the bells ringing.
Online donations are very welcome - Please click here to donate any amount to the Belfy fund.
Thank you very much for your generosity.

Old Brampton's Bells

A recording of the bells.

There are 6 bells at Old Brampton. The largest weighs 12cwt (0.6 ton or 614kg) . The bells date back to the 16th century.
In 1923 the bells were recast and augmented into the 6 bells we have today.


All visitors are very welcome.
If you are a visiting ringer, or just want to see what ringing is like or would like to give it a go, please contact the Bell Ringers' Tower Captain (Sue Hall via contact us) or visit us in the tower on a Monday evening at 7pm.

Try Ringing

Church bells are the loudest unamplified and heaviest musical instruments in the world – the ultimate heavy metal! - making glorious sounds across local communities
They are rung in the traditionally English style of full-circle ringing with a rope round a wheel.

Bell ringing is a year-round social, inexpensive, active hobby - for teenagers, older children (9+), adults, individuals, couples, families and groups - the ultimate team activity.
You don't need to be strong, musical or mathematical and we welcome people of all faiths and none (you don't need to attend church services).
Ringing takes time to learn, and you will have plenty of fun doing it.

Discovering Bellringing video (9 mins) - What ringing involves and why it is so enjoyable. 
Can I do it? What it's like learning to ring.

We teach ringing in a friendly and supportive environment, where you learn at your own pace, earning badges along the way. (If you decide that ringing isn’t for you, there is no obligation to continue.)
A computer simulator is used to help you to develop your skills.

We don’t charge for ringing lessons, but we do expect you to attend as many practices as you can and, when you can ring in time with others, to ring on most Sunday mornings.
You then qualify to join the Derby Diocesan Association of Church Bell Ringers.
When you can ring accurately, you can ring for weddings when you receive a fee for your ringing!

Bells for your Wedding

Bells make a glorious and joyful sound to welcome wedding guests and celebrate your marriage. They can be rung before and after your wedding service by a team of skilled, experienced ringers.
Please see the Wedding Bells leaflet and the Wedding information on this website.

Contact & More Information

Contact -
Sue Hall - Bell Ringers' Tower Captain.

Old Brampton Bell Ringing - Lots of information in a nutshell.
Bellringing Derbyshire website - Friendly information and short videos.
Your Perfect Hobby? - Why it's an amazing activity.

Bellringing Derbyshire Facebook page

How ringers are trained, safeguarded and organised.


Copyright © Old Brampton church 2006 - 2025