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St Peter and St Paul, Old Brampton

Welcome to your living church sharing the good news of Jesus.


These are the aims of the ECO Community

The ECO Community aims to:
Honour the Church of England mark of mission, to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.
Promote ideas, best practice and resources.
Signpost links with similar communities.


A group for everyone interested in becoming more environmentally aware and engaged. A small group who would love to grow and would welcome newcomers. We do practical work as part of our commitment, which is voluntary.  Meetings are on different nights of the week, or sometimes during the day, so that you can come as and when you are able.


Everyone is welcome at events - we hope to see you sometime!
For details of what's going on, plus ECO hints & tips and discussion, please visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/oldbramptoneco
and feel free to join the Facebook group to add your comments and ideas.




Copyright © Old Brampton church 2006 - 2025