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St Peter and St Paul, Old Brampton

Welcome to your living church sharing the good news of Jesus


Funeral Services

Each funeral service is unique, because each personal is individually known and loved by God. The service can take a variety of forms depending on the wishes of the deceased and their family, so whilst the service may be in church it may also be at the crematorium or at another location such as a woodland burial site or in the funeral directors chapel of rest.

Alternatively, a service of thanksgiving (memorial service) may take place after a direct cremation.

The funeral service is always significant for those who attend: it is an opportunity to gather together to give thanks in celebration of a life, to share in grief and to commend a loved one into Gods keeping. But it can be difficult to know where to start, especially if a bereaved family is left with no real sense of what their loved one wished for: at these times, clergy can work together with the funeral director to give extra guidance and advice as required. Taking funerals is an important aspect of parish ministry, so Old Brampton clergy are always happy to meet with a family to discuss their options.

And, on occasion, some people prepare carefully for their own death and plan their service in advance, in which case clergy can help by listening compassionately, and can record the details of their wishes.

Church Funerals

Everyone who lives in Old Brampton parish has the right to a funeral in the parish church even if they have not been churchgoers. You can find out whether you live in the parish by using the A Church Near You tool.
Further general information can be found on the Church of England website but please do not hesitate to contact the Vicar if you have any questions or wish to enquire further.

How much does a Funeral cost?

You can find the details of the 2025 fees here. The Church of England sets statutory legal fees annually, but local additional costs may be incurred if, for example, a church funeral is requested and an organist is required.

Annual Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance

At around All Souls tide (early November) each year we hold a service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance for loved ones who have died. During the service there is an opportunity to light a candle in their memory and their names are read aloud. The clergy send personal invitations to the families of those for whom they have taken a funeral service during the past year, but everyone is welcome. The date and time of the service are advertised in advance on the church website and Old Brampton Church Facebook page.

Gods Acre Old Brampton Churchyard

Gods Acre; is an old description of the English parish churchyard and evocative of much that we feel and value for those places set apart for the resting place of the departed.

Old Brampton Churchyard is now closed to new burials and is in the care of NE Derbyshire District Council who have responsibility for its upkeep and maintenance. This includes cutting the grass around six times per year during the summer months, maintenance of the paths and of the gravestones themselves.

The PCC pay for the Garden of Remembrance area to be mowed more frequently and regular churchyard clear up mornings happen during the year: if you would like to help, please check the church calendar or Facebook page for future dates.

As the churchyard is closed, the only burials that can take place are into the remaining spaces in the existing graves of family members. It is no longer possible for the Vicar to grant permission for the burial of ashes in existing graves, but a family may seek permission from the Diocesan Chancellor for this to go ahead by means of a private petition faculty. Please contact the Vicar or the diocesan registry for more information.

Burials of ashes do continue to take place in the new Garden of Remembrance and enquiries are welcome. As the area is without grave markers, families are invited to have their loved ones name inscribed in the Book of Remembrance which is available to view in church during daily opening hours.

Churchyard Memorials

The Diocese of Derby provides directions and guidelines with regard to memorials (gravestones) which we are legally obliged to follow when placing any new memorials, and a faculty application may be required. Please contact the Vicar for more details.
Maintenance of the gravestones themselves is the responsibility of NE Derbyshire District Council.

Churchyard Flowers

Bereaved families often wish to place flowers on a loved ones grave and it always lovely to see them there. We especially encourage families to consider planting spring bulbs on or around the grave as they look so beautiful. Artificial flowers may last longer but they do fade over time and disintegrate so it is requested that they are checked and replaced on a regular basis. Please endeavour to use only recyclable materials or those which will compost naturally.

Church Burial Registers

Many local people have been laid to rest in Old Brampton churchyard down the centuries although many graves do not have headstones. Detailed church burial records have been kept for several hundred years and these can be helpful in tracing family histories but please note these are not held by the church: all such records are held in the county archives. Only details of burials in recent years, and/or contained in our current burials register, are kept in church. Please note that a statutory charge may be payable for a search of the current church registers.

Old graveyard maps and records of the older graves are available to view during church opening hours. They are stored in a box on the cupboard at the rear of the north aisle.

A Funeral Prayer

Bring us, O Lord God, at our last awakening
into the house and gate of heaven,
to enter that gate and dwell in that house,
where there shall be no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light;
no noise nor silence, but one equal music;
no fears nor hopes, but one equal possession;
no ends or beginnings, but one equal eternity;
in the habitations of your glory and dominion,
world without end. Amen.

John Donne

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